Monday, April 6, 2015


I just got back from New Orleans.
It was my first visit to the city, but won't be my last.  I LOVE it there!  The art, the friendliness, and the music EVERYWHERE.
I spent most of my days sitting on the Royal St sidewalk listening to incredible musicians busking.  It was incredibly inspiring.

One morning, out for a wander, I stopped to listen to a couple of street kids that were jamming on acoustic guitars.  We got talking about our tattoos, and they noticed the Bowie, Ferry, and Richards portraits inked on my forearm.  Then they offered me a guitar to bash away on.

My set included:
Romeo & Juliet by Dire Straits
Dead Flowers by The Rolling Stones
Unchained Melody by The Ritcheous Brothers
Burn, by me
This Dream, by me
I'm Alright by The Stereophonics
Heroes by David Bowie
Love Is The Drug by Roxy Music

I earned a fair bit of cash, but left it for them.  I was in town for fun, not work.  It really made me feel at home there, and I frequently saw those guys later in my visit.  I don't think they ever knew my name, and I didn't ask theirs.  They would just shout "Hey Moustache!" and wave whenever we crossed paths.

Coming back to Toronto, I was inspired to work on my own albums.  I have so many in the works...
Gravedigging For Two is written and demos recorded.
I also have another half-record written.
But I'm feeling the need to remix 2011's Love Isn't Enough collection.  I really like this batch of songs, but my home-mix isn't quite up to snuff.  And while John Jamieson and I mixed Your Heart And Mine, we noticed some consistent issues with my drum programming.  So I'll reprogram LIE's drumming before heading back to the studio.  That has also lead to redoing some overdubs...

Here's a clip from yesterday morning, where I am recording the lead guitar line from This Dream:

And for context, here's the original version:

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