It's done! Last night I did the final tweaks to Love Isn't Enough.
When my wife came home, I was busy uploading to and setting up the packaging for sales. She saw what I was doing, and got excited. After congratulating me and being very excited, I think she noticed that I was somewhat blasé about the whole thing.
After listening to it literally hundreds (if not thousands) of times, I had to admit that I was in the close-out processes of this project. I don't perform live, so this is the end of LIE as far as my own interaction goes. Now it's just thrown at the Web for listening (and hopefully sales). There's a link on the right side of this blog to either buy or listen.
This morning, I left our apartment with my MP3 player blasting the album. When the first chorus hit in Don't Pity Me, I got chills. I'm excited. I'm proud. I feel like I've raised a child that is now leaving home. I want to see how it is received into the world, and whether it can stand on it's own feet without support.
As it is, I've spent the morning listening to it again and again. I like it.